Learn 3 Energy Medicine techniques

Acknowledge & Heal Sexual Trauma with Energy Medicine

Transmute Trauma into Transformation!

Using spiritual technology in the form of energy medicine, learn how to work systematically with your trapped sexual trauma energy to refine, transform & release it in a radical way.

Gain the skills & tools to begin a self care practice to start healing & transmuting your trauma. Calm & reset the nervous system, allowing for the body's natural healing capacity to work its magic.

Acknowledge the trauma & the symptoms to create space for growth & transformation to occur. Learn to discharge the trapped energy with community support. Explore your full potential!

In this webinar you'll learn:

  • How trauma & energy function
  • How to recognize & manage symptoms
  • 3 energy medicine practices
  • To give voice to your truth
  • To acknowledge your experience
  • To heal and transform


Naomi Pereira

A triumphant sexual trauma survivor who transcended her abuse inflicted throughout childhood & as an adult. Naomi transformed her trauma into serving women as a sexual trauma recovery coach. With 15 years of experience as an educator & the past decade devoted to energy medicine, yoga, breathwork & Tantra, Naomi is a powerful force of spiritual guidance, especially for women who are dealing with the aftermath of sexual violence & trauma.

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